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08/26/2006: "He's ONE!!!"
There will be photo galleries posted tomorrow: Ephraim birthday pictures and the year in review, and the last few trip photos heretofore unpublished.
For tonight, though, here is a teaser photo:

What happens next? Tune in tomorrow...
Replies: 4 Comments
on Sunday, August 27th, momR said
I'm glad to know you are home safe and sound.
on Tuesday, August 29th, Auntie Heather said
That reminds me so much of Duncan when he was that age.
on Tuesday, August 29th, Moi said
Apologies for the galleria delay... I used the wrong save feature on two of them and have to redo them.
on Tuesday, August 29th, momR said
I'm looking forward to the rest of your pictures. Did you receive the ones I sent you via e-mail? If so I will send you some more. I got some cute ones.