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12/16/2005: "exciting and busy mid-week"

Wednesday was Cub Scout Pack Meeting where Duncan received his Bobcat Award, and I received a Bobcat mother's pin.

Then we made candy cane reindeer and snacked on hot cocoa and cookies.

Thursday we took a field trip to the Hall of Flame Firefighter Museum. Very fun, very informative.
~~Be cool about fire safety~~ (Heather, remember Seymour Smoke, voiced by Gilbert Gottfried? He's there, in all his irritating glory!)

Pictures of these events to come =D

Replies: 3 Comments

on Saturday, December 17th, MomR said

Those pack meetings are so fun. Especially with the first son. It's neat to watch them as they achieve.

on Saturday, December 17th, MomR said

I tho't maybe I'd better qualify my former statement: Everything with the first son in cubscouts was so new and interesting. The second son was OK as was the third son. By the time we were going thro' it for the 4th time I was thankful that I had only four sons instead of eight like my friend Diane does. :)

on Sunday, December 18th, Auntie Heather said

Nooooo. I thought Firefighters were there to make the world a better place!

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