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12/22/2005: "Celebrating my Love"

Today marks the anniversary of his birth, my Love, Richard.

11 birthdays ago I gave him gifts for the first time as our friendship had grown to that level for me.

It's hard to know what to write about this marvelous man, hunky husband, fantastic father...

Richard's influenced me for the better, his love & understanding have lifted me over and over again.

Of course, when I get stuck with my own words, I often turn to those of others...

Duncan's two cents:
"I think he's a great cook and I think he likes playing with us a lot. Sometimes he also gets a little over temperature if you know what I mean, but most of the time he's a nice playful Daddy. "

Cheanna's take on her Daddy
"He's so kind to our family. He helps us always. He spends time with our family and we can have fun with him"

Emma's thoughts on Daddy's birthday:
"First, balloons and then cake and then a happy birthday song then candles and then play christmas game and then have a kind of Christmas dinner and then we jump on the trampoline."

Replies: 2 Comments

on Friday, December 23rd, mamacita said

Well, we're hoping that he had a good one. The words of others are very sweet.

Did Elena have any words about her daddy's birthday?

We're baking cookies and brownies, etc today and HOPING the rest of the presents (ordered for others) which are coming by mail arrive here before we leave tomorrow for the festivities in Star Valley. We still haven't gotten one of Heather and Dan's but it may show up before they have to leave next week...if not, maybe we'll have to keep it... =)

on Friday, December 23rd, Moi said

Funny thing, about Elena. She was tied up at the time--literally. I ended up just posting the entry and going out to save her from the perils of being lashed to the slide.

Ooh, have fun there with all the folks!

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