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01/11/2006: "bring on the ginger ale and antacids"

It's headache & nausea time!

Hoping it will pass soon--bleah.

Had a nice conversation with Jaime this afternoon, I actually remembered to call her when it wasn't midnight =D I can't wait for your CD hon!!

Duncan helped with getting his patches on his uniform, just in time for the meeting tonight. I don't think I'm feeling up for Krispy Kreme, we'll probably do the library instead.

Replies: 4 Comments

on Wednesday, January 11th, moi said

update: After throwing up I just sank on the couch with Ephraim and we slept until Richard got home. Missed scouts =/

on Thursday, January 12th, moi said

update: this morning the only lingering symptoms are a raw throat (from the regurgitation) and a very slight headache. Yay!

on Thursday, January 12th, Sissy Heather said

Does it hurt if you swallow?

on Thursday, January 12th, Moi said

I hereby regret just a little bit of the mocking we did of that commercial.


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