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11/13/2005: "Saturday 12 November 2005"

We played around the house in the morning, went to the library around lunchtime. Emma has her own library card now--yahoo! Richard found a Channukah book that uses the Christmas Carol "format" for a delightful story. Our Yiddish is going to improve slightly =)

We drove out to see American Zion--The Work & The Glory 2 in Mesa and when we got there it was sold out =/ Did not plan well enough on that one, and we had no white pages to locate other east valley attractions, so we drove home again. Hopefully we can plan better to see in the next couple of weeks. We are eager for States of Grace to come to Phoenix! (Watch the trailer here)

I went shopping with Cheanna for pajamas, and managed to find some for her while she wasn't looking--sneaky, sneaky. We went to a new children's resale shop's grand opening, lots of fun exploring.

Saturday evening we went to the Glendale Stake performance of "Brother Joseph". It was a marvelous performance, with a well conceived format with minimal set/scenery/props and still allow the audience to follow along on locations and times of the events happening.

Richard took the children home and I went out to Claim Jumpers with Autumn, Morgen, and Holly (with her cute baby Joelli). We had a great time talking and eating and I came home shortly after midnight. I'm grateful for friendships and a husband who knows when I need a break sometimes when I don't realize it (or think it's not feasible).

AutumnMorganandTeaandApplepieouttodinnernovember2005 (32k image)

Holly took this picture, so unfortunately you can't see her or her darling baby girl. Clockwise from the left Autumn, Morgen, me, and the yummy apple pie =D

Replies: 2 Comments

on Monday, November 14th, megakiddo said

You should try the Joy of Yiddish if your local library has it. It would be inbetween mythology and the foreign langauges. (It's easier to go by landmarks than Dewey)

on Wednesday, November 16th, Moi said

Is Yiddish a mythological foreign language? =)

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