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04/21/2005: "catch-up"

mood: seeking perspicuity

I'll be playing "random blogging" today as I posit the thoughts and feelings on the past few days' events. First up, the ultrasound from Tuesday.
The miracle of life cannot be overstated... my wonder and amazement as I watch our son's heartbeat, the valves in his heart opening and closing... the wriggling legs and arms... the baby growing inside of me is in view for the rest of the family to experience for just a few moments.

We watched all of the ultrasounds we have on tape Tueday night. Each child was so excited to see what we saw when I was pregnant!! There really aren't words to describe the love, the joy, the spirit that's there when we're greeting a new member of the family, even if we won't actually get to hold him for a little over four months. We were able to strengthen those special bonds with our son and daughters while recalling the ~9months we were waiting for them.

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