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04/25/2005: "The Sabbath was made for us"
music: *Veronica* Elvis Costellomood: fabulous =))
Yesterday was one of those days that I know will stay with me for a long time... So wonderful in nearly every aspect (not quite on time for church--oops), it stregthens my testimony that we are not "made for the Sabbath" but the Sabbath is for our benefit.
Cheanna and Duncan participated in their respective opening exercises, and I was there to support them. Cheanna offered the opening prayer, Duncan read a scripture he chose:
But behold, thus saith the Lord God: When the day cometh that they shall believe in me, that I am Christ, then have I covenanted with their fathers that they shall be restored in the flesh, upon the earth, unto the lands of their inheritance.
(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 10:7)
I'm really glad that we didn't wait until Duncan's 8th birthday to get him a scripture set for his own. We may get him a new set then and keep the older set for an extra family one, but it has been neat to see him love & use this set.
Richard and I enjoy being part of the Marriage & Family Relations Sunday School class. I tend to favor discussion based classes, because I like contributing and learning at the same time. I can leave the class knowing I've done my part to strengthen those around me and knowing through the Holy Ghost what I need to do in my own life to live better.
Relief Society was nice, albeit warm again. I don't know why the air conditioning seems to only be working on the south side of the building... I had my water with me, thankfully. I'll miss Sister Cramer when they leave for her husband's medical residency in June--she's a delightful teacher.
We came home and took advantage of the beautiful afternoon to bbq and eat in the backyard. Richard grilled hot dogs, I hulled strawberries, he cut watermelon, I put some carrots in a bowl... it was a refreshing meal =) We talked about their lessons from Primary today, and went through a brief chronology of Joseph Smith with Duncan. They were talking about how Emma's twins died shortly after birth and that they adopted the Murdock twins a couple of weeks later, but that the baby boy would eventually die because of exposure when Joseph was dragged from his home by a mob.
After cleaning up and coming inside we read scriptures with the children, helping them use the Bible dictionary and clarifying a couple of points about the Holy Ghost for Cheanna. Then we watched the Teachings of the Doctrine & Covenants/Church History video (a favorite in our home) and talked about the different scenes from history.
We played the Farming Game as a family last night too--Emma and Elena partnered with myself and Richard. Duncan was the banker, at one point he had all four OTBs for fruit!!! It was a lot of fun. I think that we will try Payday next =)
Richard and I read from the Ensign together before falling asleep. It was a wonderful day!!