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04/28/2005: "The throes of Thursday"

music: everything counts--DM
mood: contemplative

It's been a pleasant day, really. Despite my needing last minute child watching for a counseling appointment I had pushed to the back of my mind, driving for an hour to a less than average Super Target and then back again, and tonight's book club for a book I never got a copy of... Eh bien. I can still go for the company and to vote on next month's selection.

I traded in the mop refill I had (incorrectly) purchased previously and bought the correct one, along with some laundry detergent and more magic erasers =)

Made some more decisions on how to cut expenses, and I will sadly bid a fond farewell to DSL, for now. I can use the $$ to build up our emergency fund. Perhaps next year when another pay raise comes, or when our debt snowball has rolled its last inch... Dial-up isn't sooo bad, right?? ;)

Our water conservation goes well, our water bill is only $1 more than last month. We've been giving some extra water to the vines that we're trying to attach to the house, but everything else is on the timer.

April is almost over... wow. The month came and went fast, it seems. Dr. Castilla predicted that it would, that the rest of my pregnancy (and thus the summer) would fly by. Other online items are beckoning me (library holds, online bill paying) so I conclude for now.

Replies: 3 Comments

on Thursday, April 28th, Moi said

10:15pm Update
Just getting back from book club--I love those sisters!!! It is so much fun to gather and discuss and learn more about each other. We ended up talking about baby names and our own names near the end. I really enjoy the friendship there.

on Friday, May 13th, tanya said

Hi there,
Hey, I use dial up, can't justify the expense for anything else I guess. Sometimes I think I should cancel all internet and just live without, but I guess the kids need it for school.

on Saturday, May 14th, Moi said

I have found the internet to be so helpful I would have a hard time going without it completely. I have found greater peace of mind with online banking to pay our bills or check balances--tithes/offerings and rent are the only checks I write anymore. I do miss the immediate connection of the DSL, as well as the ability to better stream music or programs, but I am satisfied that giving it up was the right choice for now.

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